The interactive performance "Eight Senses, or the Birth of a Man" production of the Belarusian Family Inclusive Theater "i"

The interactive performance "Eight Senses, or the Birth of a Man" is a bright international theatrical production of the Belarusian Family Inclusive Theater "i". 175 artists, including 65 people with autism, are involved in the performance.

The main "characters" of the performance are conflicting feelings that at certain moments of life arise in every person: anger, sadness, interest, resentment, fear, joy, pleasure, guilt. The performance immerses the viewer in the world of growing children which is full of the unknown and incomprehensible, and, therefore, disturbing, leads through the search for oneself and one's place in this vast, ever-changing space.

The Family Inclusive Theater "i" was established in April 2016.
Irina Kiselyova, the founder, director and artistic director, together with the producer Leonid Dinershtein established the Family Inclusive Theater “i”, which became the first and the only one in Belarus where autistic children perform on stage. Behind the simple phrase “perform on stage” are years of hard work, unconditional love and acceptance. “The idea to create an inclusive theater emerged about two years before its actual birth, but at that time the society was not ready for it.
Today, we’ve finally made it – through the joint efforts of caring people and a creative professional team we have built a platform that allows not only to use the autistic children’s creativity, but also to change the attitude of the Belarusians towards the problem of autism. Abroad, such people are treated like any other, the doors are open to them everywhere.”


The Family Inclusive Theater "i" is a creative space where professional performances are staged for the whole family. Among the actors of the theater there are children with autism. This is not just a leisure center for autistic children, but a serious creative studio.
Irina, a person with a big heart, the soul and heart of the theater, cannot ignore someone else's pain. When the first child with autism came to the studio, the work done with the child brought very good results. Parents began to bring such children more and more often, they studied for free, this is the environment of equal opportunity. 

The sooner a child is diagnosed, and the sooner you start working with the child, the more significant results can be achieved. An adult with this disorder can live independently. When a child is brought to the theater for the first time, most often we have to deal with them individually, then they adapt and gradually get used to the group. All children are different and they need an individual approach. The three signs of autism are impaired communication and social interaction, and stereotypic behavior (something in behavior is constantly repeated).

The productions of the Family Inclusive Theater "i" are not amateur performances, but professional work of teachers and actors. The children study singing, choreography and acting.

The Family Inclusive Theater "i" is a project many people cannot understand. 80% of the children who study here are healthy. Together with them autistic children stage plays, sing and play musical instruments. How does this approach help solve children's real problems?

The Theater "i" gives these children the opportunity not to shut themselves in their apartments, but to socialize. They begin to talk, study better at school, win academic competitions, express themselves on stage! In the future, these guys will be able to bring real benefits to society.

And it’s remarkable that healthy children who study in the studio grow kinder! 
This is what a truly inclusive environment is! And they were able to create it, there is nothing like it anywhere in Belarus.

But changes are taking place not only within the walls of the Palace of Veterans in Minsk, where the Theater "i" has settled. The experience that the theater staff has accumulated is already being passed on! Irina Kiselyova continuously advises colleagues and teachers from Belarus and other countries. Not only people of creative professions turn to her, but also teachers who deal exclusively with autistic children. She believes that the main thing is to see not the diagnosis, but a person and their talent!

Recently, a children's studio from Holland has become interested in the theatre. Colleagues from Brest, Gomel and Kyiv have already visited the theater. And after this meeting in Brest, the first class has already been held!

“It is very important that people want to do it. It is unlikely that a defectologist and speech therapist will become a theater director. But a theater director can learn how to work with children with special needs and create such a theater. And we are there to help”, Irina says.

The forums “Theater and Autism. Questions and Answers”, organized by the Local Charitable Foundation “Family Inclusive Theater “i”, were held in Minsk for the fifth time in a row. Experts from Belarus, Israel, Canada, the USA and Ukraine shared their experience of socializing children with autism through art. 

The forums are becoming an international platform for the exchange of experience for educators, psychologists, tutors, parents and specialists from special education centers who are engaged in the creation of inclusive programs. The main topics for discussion by experts are the importance of group creativity, the development of communication skills through live communication, theater therapy , special design for special children, inclusive classrooms and a friendly atmosphere. The theater has already produced ten performances and has become a large creative team.

“We love and care for our children. We admire them even when they upset us. We want to see the Personality in them.

And they grow up in love.

And slowly get acquainted with this World which is so diverse.

But, in the daily bustle, obligations, work and striving for the best, we so rarely spend time together.

And the questions of the growing Human accumulate, and they, our recently small children, somehow learn to solve them.

It would be good to pursue this path from a cute kid to a responsible teenager together, sometimes side by side, sometimes in an embrace - they need so much our hands and words, our care and understanding, our interest in them, thinking and growing up, recognition of them as Personalities.

These conversations about the important: about fears, about love, death, friendship, responsibility - these are the bridges of understanding between generations - this is the way not to get lost, not to move away - the way when it is good and easy to be around both for children and parents.

This is what our performance is about - as a reason to talk and an invitation to the further path together. Just because when you and your child are together, it’s really good and interesting,”
Irina Kiselyova says.

Author of idea: Kastus Zhibul  
Script writers: Irina Pushkaryova, Vera Zhibul, Zlata Zalesskaya.
Stage director: Irina Pushkaryova 
Composer: Roman Myakotnykh 
With music by: Zlata Zalesskaya, Vera Zhibul
Choreographer: Denis Dadishkiliani 
Directed by: Gennadiy Fomin, Hans Salemink (Netherlands)
Production designer: Pavel Arkhangelskiy
VJing, scenography: Sergey Isakov
 Film crew: Sergey Isakov, Viktor Trafimovich
Costume design and tailoring: Creative workshop of Yulia Chigilinskaya

The performance involves students of the Pushkareva Studio, the Muzychnyia Patserki ensemble of Music School No. 10 named after Yevgeniy Glebov under the direction of Galina Aerova.

Famous Belarusian actors and ballet dancers perform on stage together with the children.

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